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Highlands Charter Academy
A public charter school to be located in
Moore County, NC
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The HCA Founding Board
The Highlands Charter Academy founders desire to strengthen our community, the state, and the nation by developing students in mind and character through a classical, content-rich curriculum emphasizing virtuous living, traditional learning, and civic responsibility.
We aim to build an organization with increasing influence in the region that is attractive to the best teachers and school leaders and to a growing segment of students and their parents.
Our vision is to be a nationally regarded K-12 classical charter school and serve as a local and national incubator for the growth and promotion of classical education.

Founding Board
Front Row: Deborah Lawson, BethAnn Pratte, Becky Graham, and Caroline Kelly. Back Row: Leonard Bryant, Ariane Mestelle, Caleb Criscoe, and Karen Manning.
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